$3.5M Grant to Organic Solar Cells Project
Minister for Energy and Resources Michael O’Brien and his Commonwealth counterpart Martin Ferguson announced the new round of funding for the Organic Solar Cells Project from the Victorian Government Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and the Australian Solar Institute (ASI) at the Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne.
The $3.5M grant will allow further development of revolutionary plastic solar cells produced by Victorian researchers teamed up with industry partners to expand the activities of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC).
Scientists from the School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, CSIRO and Monash University produced the flexible, plastic solar cells, printed with a light sensitive ink to convert sunlight into energy.
The new grant will allow development of inexpensive, mass produced solar panels printed on plastic and steel substrates. Read the full story at http://www.bio21.org/news/cheaper-efficient-solar-power-in-sight-with-funding-boost